Today is world animal day, a day designated to coagulating world efforts towards improving animal welfare!
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Today is #WorldEnvironmentDay so be #withNature
Today is save the elephant day.
My water cell video, A Future Without Water, is being screened at the International Science Film Festival , part of the India International Science Festival being held at the National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi from the 8th to 11th December 2016.
Today, 4th October, is World Animal Day... As the most powerful/influential/destructive organism on our Earth, it is our responsibility to look after the habitat of our living cousins of all shapes and sizes.
"The safe delivery of the right quality of water, at the right quantity, at the right place, is the need of the hour. That can only be done with proper water management"
There are always those dream sightings and pictures you want... well I managed to tick another one of my rather large list, and it is an excellent one too... the black panther!