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Pinkathon, Bengaluru


Pinkathon, Bengaluru

The Pinkathon is more than a Marathon. It is the seed of change. It is the beginning of a movement carried forward by a growing community of empowered women across India, who share a belief that a healthy family, a healthy nation and a healthy world begins with empowered women.


News - In the news!


News - In the news!

I was interviewed earlier this week, alongside graphic novelist Simon Lamouret, and fellow photographer Magali Couffon, for the Deccan Chronicle.


News - Gators "Film" Their Day


News - Gators "Film" Their Day

Ok, i'm using the term "news" a little loose here, as this was original posted on National Geographic site in January 2014, nearly two years ago, but I've only just come across it and I think it is awesome! The place a camera on an alligator and see what it does...  :) Check out the video! :)


News - The Obsession Experiment

News - The Obsession Experiment

As photographers, we are training our eyes to take in the entire scene, often seeing things that non-photographers do. This is exemplified by an experiment looking at the eye movements Canon USA made. The Obsession Experiment is an advert for a printer, but the results are interesting. Check it out! :)